Thursday, July 24, 2008

What's in a Name? Sugar Momma's

Many people ask me about the name, Sugar Momma's, for my business. Where did I come up with that? Some think it is from the Proud Family, but, we pre-date the popular Disney show.
We live in the small town of Sugar Grove. In the spring of 1834, the area was populated by Indians, when the first settlers arrived, they found an abandoned Indian sugar camp where they took shelter in a brush wigwam, until they were able to build their first log cabin. That is where the Sugar comes from in Sugar Grove and also in Sugar Momma's! My kids were helping me choose a name, at the time, they happen to be calling me Momma - hence, Sugar Momma's.
As you can imagine, I get quite a few comments about the name. I had one little old lady who was quite upset when she went to an adult site with a slightly different spelling! Many people, however love the name, as much as they love my popcorn! So much so, I created t-shirts and other great products that feature our logo.
Is there a Sugar Momma in your life - treat her with a special gift. Please visit

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